Eight Couples to Swoon Over This Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all! Yesterday, we celebrated our fave fictional friendships, but today we’re here to gush about our favourite YA couples! It was hard to narrow the list, but here we go!: 1. Tris and Tobias, Divergent We’re gonna let this clip speak for itself. 2. Alex and Lena, Delirium In a world that […]

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What’s In A Name?

Rosamund Hodge’s new book Cruel Beauty — an adaptation of the classic tale Beauty and the Beast mixed with some Greek mythology — tells the tale of a young heroine who, after being married off to the evil ruler of her kingdom must find a way to destroy him and free her people. Pretty cool […]

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HCC Frenzy’s Winter ’14 Watch List

This is going to be a big year for YA fiction! We have a lot of great debut novels coming our way, plus some of our fave series will be ending (sigh). Here are some books to look forward to this winter!

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