Introducing the New and Improved SR…

Yesterday, we asked on Twitter what changes you’d like to see for the 2014 50 Book Pledge. We anticipate a lot of exciting updates for the new year, and though it is still two months away, we’ve already started putting our best foot forward here on The Savvy Reader!

This week we will be rolling out the first of some changes that will eventually lead up to a new and improved look for the entire blog. To start this process, we asked a talented friend (who happened to create these awesome ads for Allegiant) to design a new logo. And he did! These adorable images take the typical A-Z bookends to create our own special S-R bookends. I’ve always wanted my own A-Z bookends, but I really don’t have room on my shelves for them right now anyways. Now, I’m motivated to make room for a special SavvyReader set (DIY, anyone?)

We are very excited about a new look for the Savvy Reader and want to celebrate with you across all of the platforms that we Share Reading on.

And what’s a celebration without a giveaway? Details below!

How we’re celebrating:

Monday: Introducing you to our new look!

Tuesday: New Logo Updates! We’re updating our social media feeds to match our new look. Like what you see? Tell us @SavvyReader.

Wednesday: Rearranging the shelf above. Right now, the books are all scattered about, and we need the help of Savvy Readers to rearrange them. How do you arrange your shelf? By title? By Author? By Publisher? By Colour? We’ll be asking on twitter all day, so let us know!

Thursday: We’ll be drooling over bookends on Pinterest all day on our new Book Ends Board. Tweet us any fun, cool or creative shelf decor you find!

Friday: Now it’s your turn to celebrate with us! Enter the Rafflecopter contest below for the chance to win a collection of our favourite Fiction titles.

Your turn!

On Friday, November 8th, enter to  win some of our favourite fiction titles. Enter by following us on twitter, signing up for our newsletter, following us on Pinterest or commenting on the blog post below. The giveaway runs for the entire month of November, so don’t forget to check back!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, Savvy Readers! Thanks for Sharing Reading with us.

The SavvyReader Team

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Digital Marketing Coordinator at HarperCollins Canada. Film, fiction and fashion blog enthusiast. Follow me on twitter @SavvyReader & @ktvncnt.

32 thoughts on “Introducing the New and Improved SR…

  1. I’d love it if you had an events page where HCC/SR-hosted events are posted. Even if there are no house events though, it would also be nice to know when and where (in Canada) HC authors are planning to be (though I bet this would be a difficult undertaking)!

  2. Very attractive and easy to navigate interface! I tend to open lots of links at once (i.e. right click and ‘open in new tab’) so don’t much like lots of automatically-launched videos starting at once. Maybe best to feature these videos at the top of their pages so they’re easier to quickly stop until ready to focus on them.

  3. I love Savvy Reader! I love giveaways! Unfortunately, I have been trying very hard to stay away from Pinterest, so that will cost me an entry. (I’m afraid I will get addicted and spend even more time on this machine, lol.)

  4. What I like in book sites is reviews and recommendations for what to read if you like a certain genre. Also, it would be great to hear about lesser known books, not just the popular ones.

  5. I really like your page – the recipe shared, that a short video starts up when you enter the page, that it is colourful (tasteful) and laid out well,

  6. Although I have read three or four of the titles, I have several of the others on my to-read list. Loved the (slightly implausible) 100 Year Old Man, couldn’t put down “Before I Go to Sleep”, love Wally LAmb and Amy Tan. Can’t wait to read Rosie Project and Painted Girls

  7. Have read a few and would love to get into the new Wally Lamb and Amy Tan. Absolutely LOVE GIVE AWAYS!!!!!

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